The newest PhD from the Cochella lab: Dr. Emilio Santillán
After many years of hard work, a move across the Atlantic Ocean, and persistence, Emilio has earned his PhD! Stay tuned for his paper, which has become a beautiful functional interrogation of a miRNA.
Congrats to PhD candidates Ozzy and Megan!
2nd year BCMB students Ozzy and Megan have officially passed their qualifying exams and are now PhD candidates!
Luisa is now an Associate Professor in MBG!
Congratulations to Dr. Luisa Cochella for being promoted to Associate Professor as of July 2024! Check out the awesome publications from the lab so far this year: Ariane’s first-author Mime-seq 2.0: a method to sequence microRNAs from specific mouse cell types in The EMBO Journal, and a collaboration with Clemens Plaschka, Mechanism for the initiation […]
Summer 2024 update:
Happy summer from the Cochella Lab! It has been a time of change in the lab. We said goodbye to undergrad Matt Sandifer in May as he graduated from JHU. We’ll miss him! In happier news, we welcomed TWO new graduate students from the BCMB program – Megan Butler and Ozzy Bagno. We’re so excited […]
How do early embryonic cells know what type of cells to develop into? An Interview with Luisa Cochella, PhD
Amoebas, Worms and Flies, Oh My! How Crawly Critters Give Us Insights into Human Biology By Haley Wasserman on 06/30/2022 Published in Fundamentals June 2022 Nematodes, as well as the millions of unicellular and multicellular organisms without bones or hearts, are some of the most successful organisms on the planet. The nematode worm, commonly referred to as C. […]
Luisa Cochella, Ph.D receives the 2022 Elisa Izaurralde Award for Innovation in Research, Teaching, and Service
The RNA Society is delighted to announce Dr. Luisa Cochella, of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, in Baltimore, USA, as the recipient of the 2022 Elisa Izaurralde Award for Innovation in Research, Teaching and Service. Originally from Argentina, Dr. Cochella studied translational decoding by the ribosome during her doctoral studies in the lab of Dr. Rachel Green, and […]